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Writer's pictureUgo

Celebrating my birthday - a year of Gratitude

It is so fitting that today is National Gratitude Day. I am so thankful to see another year; I have lost a few friends this year, and I realize that to have been granted another year is a gift! With this in mind, I asked myself, in Mary Oliver's words,

“What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? "
I made a promise to myself that, in this new year, I will find more time to do the things that bring me joy.

I plan to pay more attention to the simple delights of life— those little moments that go by without notice— such as a child, laughing uncontrollably; the sound of the river as it flows along, pulsing and lapping; the trees, swaying in resistance to the wind's embrace; the coolness of the breeze hitting the cheek on a bicycle ride; sipping a cup of tea from a beautiful, rose-colored mug, and the list goes on...

I have found that these little moments make up the real essence of life; they prevent life from bursting open at the seam for when life gets overwhelming, as it sometimes does. These simple joys ease the mind away from the worries, and I have learned to seek them out.

“So this New Year, I shall make it my highest priority to make more time for these simple joys "

I look forward to all the wonderful possibilities in the coming year, and I expect great things to happen.

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