I have always liked the idea of growing old. I celebrate a each new age as soon as the New Year rolls in, even though my birthday falls almost at the year's end. As far back as I can remember, I have always added a year to my age. At 15, if you asked me how old I was, I would say 16. At 25, I would claim 26. I'm not sure why I did that; perhaps because I was often told I looked younger than my age. Yet, I prefer to think it was a desire to appear more mature and wise
For me, aging has never been synonymous with contemplating life's end. Instead, I view it as akin to becoming more seasoned, like a soup or stew that taste better a day or two later with time, or wine and cheese that grow richer with age. Aging is like becoming a fine wine—tasteful and mysterious at the same time. Mysterious because of all the experiences that shape you, and tasteful because one grows into their own with greater confidence and purpose.
At 49, I no longer feel the need to add a year to my age; I am content with where I am. The grey hairs have appeared—whether from stress or other factors—I happily accept and embrace them. The body has its own tale of wear and tear to tell —like declining eyesight— I am okay with that, too.
I feel blessed to be growing old, especially when I think of those who have been denied this privilege.
As I reflect on these thoughts, here are ten reasons I love growing old:
I do whatever I want as long as I am not hurting anyone.
I have zero interest in fame or the approval of peers.
I see the beauty in everything with new eyes.
Cutting off things that are not working is easier—there are no buts.
I live a contemplative lifestyle; I stop to smell the roses.
I am more flexible and open to change. I don't buy into "this is how I am"; instead, I am excited to explore new interests.
I am more forgiving of my mistakes and those of others.
I have more gratitude and make fewer demands.
I have a firm conviction about my faith or belief in a higher authority.
I see life as a gift.
Here's to enjoying more that life has to offer as we age gracefully.